No, Video + Blog ≠ Vlog

Although a video blog is often referred to as a vlog, my video blog is literally a blog about my videos.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Snake is Coming!

"A Big Dinner for a Big Snake" is my next video and it will be posted on the blog sometime on Friday.  Be on the lookout for it!  The video is still in progress, but I am confident that it will be completed by or on Friday.  I am receiving a little assistance from a friend for the first time.  I simply need an extra hand to hold the camera.  Get pumped!  By the way, there is a cool chase scene being made right now. 

You will recognize one of the characters from a previous video.  Actually, if you watch carefully, many things reappear in this video.  When it comes, comment to guess how many animals were on the video at any point and time (zero is not going to be the answer). 



  1. The video file must be incredibly large. I'm going to leave my computer open over night and see if it is attached to the post by the morning. If not, I don't know what to do. I'm sorry for not uploading today. I know I did. I feel really bad, but I hope you (all of you) forgive me! Sorry! Please understand that I am trying to figure out a way to upload a file this big, but blogger isn't cooperating. It is only like 10 times bigger than the magic circle, but it's taking waaaaaaaay longer to upload
