No, Video + Blog ≠ Vlog

Although a video blog is often referred to as a vlog, my video blog is literally a blog about my videos.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hey!  Okay, I'm sorry to do this, but I must warn anyone who looks at this blog.  I will not be making another video until after December 17.  This is due to exams and such.  Please forgive me!  However, do check back before the end of December because hopefully the break will allow me to put together a nice video.

Also, remember... 1/1/11 is COMING which means... KDstopsmotion is COMING to YOUTUBE.  Be on the lookout for that.  Just for fun, I will try to create my Youtube channel at 1:11:11 A.M. on 1/1/11.  So... if you take out the colons and add slashes: 1/11/11/1/1/11!  Anyway, exams and stress are delaying more videos, but please know that they have not stopped. 


(P.S. Note that I said KDstopsmotion.  That will be the name of my Youtube channel.  If you would like to vote for the best name, vote on the poll to the right side of the posts, above the blog archives.  Thanks!)

*Added* Veni vidi vici SAT (I think.  Now all I can do is hope and study for upcoming exams - exams... uhhh)


  1. no it wouldn't be.. it would be 1/1/11/1/11/11
    you should do it at 1:1:11 am then it would be 1/1/11/1/1/11


  2. or at 11:11:11 then it would be 1/1/11/11/11 ... i think...

  3. If I created it at 11:11, then people would have to wait. I'd rather let people see the channel as early as possible so 1:11:11 A.M. on 1/1/11 stays. Sorry guys
