I have a new idea for a video! This one doesn't really have a plot. Instead, I'm simply creating a giant list of things to include in the video. The idea behind this video is certain things cannot be captured well through stop-motion. That is, the concept would be incredibly difficult to catch.
For example, the Three Card Monte is pointless in stop-motion because isn't the fun of it in watching the hands move? With stop-motion, the hand moves are lost incredibly easily and so that version wouldn't work so well. BUT, that is the point of this video.
COMMENT to suggest anything that you'd like to see in this video. Suggest something like a pinwheel turning, or whatever you like!
Oh, also, I'm seriously considering turning this video purely into a Three Card Monte joke haha, but of course, with a real one at the end.
(P.S. The title is DEFINITELY not final - especially if the video becomes only the Three Card Monte. And a SHOUT OUT to... the girl who deserves a gift because of a snake!)