No, Video + Blog ≠ Vlog

Although a video blog is often referred to as a vlog, my video blog is literally a blog about my videos.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Competitive Nature Promotes Progress!

If you ever get to know me, you will find that I am rather competitive.  Accordingly, I like to make sure that I do things well (and hopefully better than many).  I challenged a friend to a competition of followers.  

She is a blogger.  I am (primarily) a YouTuber.  As of 8:15 P.M. on February 4, 2011(!), she has 102 followers on Blogger.  As of 8:15 P.M. on February 4, 2011, I have 9 subscribers on YouTube.  She told me that it is easier to get followers on Blogger than it is to get subscribers on YouTube.  Of course, I wanted to prove her wrong.  

I told her that I would have more subscribers than she has followers by the END OF JULY 2011.  She does NOT believe that i can do it.  Hmph, what can I say?  IT'S ON... LIKE A SCONE!

I'm going to do this fairly and square(ly?).  I'm not going to say anything bad about her blog (especially because I think it looks pretty spiffy and attractive for female bloggers), AND I am going to post a link to her blog on my blog.  If you are a female, I definitely recommend exploring her blog.  

Good luck to emmy d


  1. funny how you are trying to promote your youtube channel but posted the link to mine here lol okay well thanks.

  2. I'm trying to exhibit good sportsmanship. If you don't understand why I would post the link to your blog, then that's okay. Also, if people find my blog, it's likely that they have already found me on YouTube. If not, there are links at the top of the blog!
